Saturday, February 28, 2009

Snow day with the senior class

The Senior Class (well 12 of us) took a day trip to Shaver Lake for a snow day. We got soaking wet, but we thoroughly enjoyed it.

*girly squeals* ahhhhhh!!!

optical illusion

imminent doom

knee recovery

the honorable Georgie



Robynn's Ravings said...

LOVE the photos!! I especially like that one of Maddie where she's nearly in black and white and the only color seems to be that BRIGHT innertube. REALLY good job, Kaylee. You have such a good eye for photography. Must be like your dear little friend, Sally Parish, who I NEED TO CALL about Hannah's senior pics. I SO enjoy your photo books!

Love you Kaylee Bean,

Auntie Robynn

samuelmyers said...

I look funny