Thursday, August 21, 2008

Family Vacation - part 2

These pictures are of our visit with my grandparents on my mom's side, and then also some of our journey home. Enjoy!

Oh, that miserable fever....

Grandma's garden

Performing for our Grandparents' 50th anniversary

A much beloved bike trail traditionThe pond/marsh at the edge of the trailPlayground Pirate - Argghhh!

Bike trail artTho' I LOVE how this appears.......Max did win the race (only by a fraction tho') :-)

Riding the "diaper" swings :-)

Talking with Arlo....... (What a funny bird - I would sing "Do, Re, Mi" and he would repeat "Do" and then proceed to sing "Rock-a-birdie" to the tune of Rock of Ages. He also played peek-a-boo, flirted with kissing sounds, and said "whoops!" if he dropped anything. A few days ago, I got an e-mail from my grandma saying that weeks after I left, I was heard in the bird room saying, "Hi Arlo! Whatcha doin'?" :-)

Connor and Grandma Betty

The sappiness never ceases

Our trip to Sight and Sound theater to see In The Beginning

Oh, brother!
I went ahead to order onions on my Whopper JR.........

Pittsburgh and the Reformed Presbyterian Theological SeminaryThe rare books room. Ah, smell the history. And the delft tiles on the fireplace? Probably worth more than, well, a lot...
Stopping by our cousins', the Troup's, home

A harmless game of "Name that Baby" gone hilarious :-)

The joys of Grandma and Grandpa McC's rope swing


Garrett Valdivia said...

Heh, you guys are always having too much fun :). Thanks for the picks, looks like a blast! -G

Elizabeth {the Path Less Traveled} said...

Your trip looks like it was amazing! My favorite pic is of the "Name That Baby" game - everyone laughing, but Max and Jenny NOT amused - must have been great!!!